Hongyang Zhang 张弘扬  Assistant Professor
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I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, leading SafeAI Lab. I am also a member of AI Institute and Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute, and a faculty affiliated with Vector Institute for AI. I am interested in the problems where beautiful theory and practical methodology meet, which broadly include theories and applications of machine learning and algorithms.
I completed my Ph.D. degree in 2019 at Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, where I was fortunate to be co-advised by Maria-Florina Balcan and David P. Woodruff. Before joining Waterloo, I was a Postdoc fellow at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), hosted by Avrim Blum and Greg Shakhnarovich. I graduated from Peking University in 2015. I also spent time at Simons Institute and IPAM.
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